Nick Ide

Nick Ide has over 40 years planning experience with 25 years in local government, latterly as Chief Planning Officer for a Surrey district, and nine years as Head of Planning at an estate agency before establishing IDE Planning in 2014. Nick has across-the-board planning and management experience, and is a corporate member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

IDE Planning

The firm acts for private companies including farm estates, individuals, public bodies and charities. Instructions, some received via referrals from solicitors, are taken principally but not exclusively from within the South, South East and London. A premium is placed upon trying to broker a solution with the local planning authority. This can pay dividends in cases where, for example, a client has received discouraging pre application planning advice or a refusal of planning permission. Depending on the nature of the work involved, added expertise can be brought in including architects, highways and legal advice, so establishing a project team that is best suited to complete the work.